Our bi-annual Boy Scout food drive is coming up soon! This year we are excited to have both the Raytown Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts working together to collect 20,000 items of food in one day for the empty shelves in our pantry.
Help us meet this goal by simply putting out a sack of non-perishable food on your porch Saturday, October 28th! Starting at 9am that Saturday, the Scouts will be driving through Raytown neighborhoods collecting sacks and delivering them to REAP. Make sure they are placed where they can be seen from the street.
Our Raytown Rotary Club will have barrels at the Raytown Hy-Vee & Apple Market from 9am-3pm collecting food from all the shoppers that morning. Make the 28th your grocery day, and drop a can or two in the barrels on your way out!
A huge thank you to the Raytown Rotary Club, the Raytown Boy Scouts, and the Raytown Girl Scouts for dedicating so much time and energy in helping out our community.
If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please go to raytownreap.org/volunteering to sign up!
Call REAP at (816) 356-0054 for any questions.